The beginnings the Faculty

In May 1956, by the Resolution of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Lodz University of Technology was established.

We started modestly, having as our seat a historic palace at 6 Skorupki Street (now it houses the Rector’s Office). Since 1970 the Faculty has had its own seat- two building at Al. Politechniki 6. When these building were erected, we were on the outskirts of the university (territorially). Now we are located in beautiful surroundings, almost in the center of the campus. At present it is the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering and it consists of two Institutes and three Departments. Every year about 500 students are enrolled. In all types of studies semesters are completed by ECTS credits, which promotes international exchange. Every year about 80 students go to study in different European universities.

Currently the Faculty offers education in the following fields of study:

  • civil engineering- since 1956
  • architecture- since 1976
  • environmental engineering in civil engineering (formerly: environmental engineering)- since 1969
  • urban planning (formerly: urban management)- since 2010
  • urban revitalization- 2017 - 2022

Students who graduate from architecture, civil engineering or environmental engineering in civil engineering can apply for licenses in their specializations. The combinations of three basic disciplines is of the great advantage since the graduates will be prepared to all activities connected with design, construction and maintenance of buildings.

The Faculty of Architecture has been certified by the Accreditation Commission for Universities of Technology (KAUT ) and European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) since 2013. The Faculty of Civil Engineering has been certified since 2019. The Faculty of Architecture can take pride in being among only four technical universities in Poland that have been awarded with this kind of certificate, whereas the Faculty of Civil Engineering is in the group of seven technical universities with this kind of certificate.

Civil Engineering (second- cycle studies) has an accreditation certificate awarded in 5th edition of the National Competition “Studia z Przyszłością”.

The Faculty has category B+ in both Scientific Disciplines: Civil Engineering, Geodesy and Transport, Architecture and Urban Planning . The studies like Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning as well as Environmental Engineering in Civil Engineering are accredited by the State Accreditation Committee. 

Since 1995 the Faculty also offers doctoral studies in both, mentioned above disciplines.

The Faculty actively develops, as well scientific as didactic, international cooperation. In the last three years the bilateral cooperation with more than 30 universities from Europe, North America and Asia was realized. Within the programme Erasmus+ every year more than 60 students  and about 20 employees stay at universities abroad. The Faculty also offers international didactic activities on its own and these are mainly workshops and seminars conducted by the guests from the other countries.

The Faculty has two accredited research laboratories: Building Physics and Building Materials Laboratory- Certificate  of Accreditation of Testing Laboratory, a European Union notification; Building Materials and Structures Testing Laboratory- Certificate of Accreditation of Testing Laboratory as well as two research  laboratories of regional importance: Soil Mechanics and Road Engineering Laboratory and Environmental Engineering Laboratory. The laboratory research equipment is systematically updated and modernized due to grants from the State Committee for Scientific Research and own funds obtained, among others, from cooperation with industry and recently from EU subsidies, also the Faculty classrooms and computer rooms are equipped with audiovisual facilities.

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